
The Excel plugin enables Zuar Runner to pipe data from Excel and store the data in a database.


Create an Excel job

Click + Add Job.


Choose Excel.


Fill out the forms.

  • Source - Choose the Excel file from which to pipe data. The Excel file must exist in the Zuar Runner file manager.

Click Next.

  • SHEET - This is the tab/sheet in the Excel file. Only 1 table will be created in the database from 1 sheet in the Excel file. In the Excel plugin wizard, the list of sheets will be available in the dropbox. In the resulting Excel job, SHEET can either use the name of the sheet as a string or the index of the sheet as an integer (0 is the first sheet).

  • TAB REGEX: This is optional. TAB REGEX allows the user to define a RegEx match pattern for the WorkSheet names.

  • START ROW - This is optional. START ROW allows the user to skip rows in the Excel file. 0 is the first row. 0 is the default. stop_row: This is optional. stop_row allows the user to limit the number of rows that are created in the database.

  • STOP ROW - This is optional. STOP ROW allows the user to limit the number of rows that are created in the database. 0 is the first row.
    This is not set by default.

  • START COLUMN - This is optional. START COLUMN allows the user to skip columns in the Excel file. 0 is the first column. 0 is the default.

  • STOP COLUMN: This is optional. STOP COLUMN allows the user to limit the number of columns that are created in the database.

  • ENCODING - This allows the user to select the encoding used on the excel file.

  • Include Header - Check this if the data has a header. Checked by Default.

  • Noneify - Check this to convert empty values to NULL. Checked by default.

Click Next.

  • Title - This is the resulting job’s title.

  • Use default database URL - Select this to use the local database. Unselect to enter an external database URL.

  • Use Credentials - Select this to use credentials

  • Table - This is the output table.

  • Schema - This is the output schema.

For Excel job naming best practices, see the following convention:

  • If the name of the Excel file is Orders.xlsx and the name of the tab in the file is Sheet1 then the name of the job should be: [Excel] Orders.xlsx - Sheet 1.

Click Done.

Configure an Existing Excel Job

Navigate to the job and click Edit.


The main sections to edit are input and output.


source: This is the Excel file on the Zuar Runner box.

sheet: This is the tab/sheet in the Excel file. Only 1 table will be created in the database from 1 sheet in the Excel file. sheet can either use the name of the sheet as a string or the index of the sheet as an integer (0 is the first sheet).

tab_regex: This is optional. tab_regex allows the user to define a RegEx match pattern for the WorkSheet names.

start_column: This is optional. start_column allows the user to skip columns in the Excel file. 0 is the first column.

stop_column: This is optional. stop_column allows the user to limit the number of columns that are created in the database.

start_row: This is optional. start_row allows the user to skip rows in the Excel file. 0 is the first row.

stop_row: This is optional. stop_row allows the user to limit the number of rows that are created in the database.

encoding: This is required and tells Zuar Runner how the excel sheet is encoded.

include_headers: This is required and tells Zuar Runner whether or not to include the header row of the sheet.

noneify: This is required and tells Zuar Runner how to handle Null values in the sheet.

use: This is required and specifies the underlying python input script to be used when inputting the sheet.


dbo: This is the connection string of the output database. To output data into Zuar Runner’s internal PostgreSQL database, leave this as is.

schema: This is the output schema in the database.

table: This is the output table in the database.

use: This is the underlying python output script to be used when sending the data from the sheet to a relational database table.

Use Case: How to Manipulate Excel Data for Analytics

Let’s pretend that there is a need to pull a subset of data from an Excel spreadsheet and pivot that Excel data to create a new table with a specific data structure.

Consider the following spreadsheet:


The goal is a final table with these fields: Member, Member ID, Product SLUG, Product ID, Product and all of the product volume data (cells C7-J12). The resulting table should only include the first thirteen rows of data from the first table in the Excel sheet.

First, pull two sets of data from the spreadsheet. One set will have member, and the member ID (in green below), and the other set will include all the product data (in red below).

Next, pivot that data into a vertical format. Finally, do a full outer join on the two pivoted tables, and then run everything in sequence.

Excel Jobs in Zuar Runner

In Zuar Runner, create two Excel jobs. Both Excel jobs use the same Excel file as a data source, but each job will grab a different section of Excel data.


The first Excel job (in green) will have a start column of 3 and a start row of 3 (always using a zero index), and should only include 2 rows.

The second job (in red) will start at row 5 and should only include 7 rows. start_column and start_row are keys that can be provided in the “input” block of a job. To stop pulling data after a set number of rows we can use the SliceTransform class in the “transforms” step.

Consider the following JSON for the first job (in green):

    "input": {
        "sheet": "Sheet 1",
        "source": "Blog_Example.xlsx",
        "start_column": 3,
        "start_row": 3,
        "use": "flatfile.iov2#ExcelInput"
    "output": {
        "dbo": "postgresql://db/analytics",
        "schema": "excel",
        "tablename": "pivot_example_blog_members",
        "use": "call:mitto.iov2.db#todb"
    "steps": [
            "transforms": [
                    "stop": 1,
                    "use": "mitto.iov2.transform.builtin#SliceTransform"
                    "use": "mitto.iov2.transform#ExtraColumnsTransform"
                    "use": "mitto.iov2.transform#ColumnsTransform"
            "use": "mitto.iov2.steps#Input"
            "use": "mitto.iov2.steps#CreateTable"
            "transforms": [
                    "use": "mitto.iov2.transform#FlattenTransform"
            "use": "mitto.iov2.steps#Output"
            "use": "mitto.iov2.steps#CountTable"

This is the JSON defining the first job (in green). Note that there are 3 blocks, “input,” “output,” and “steps.”

At the top in the “input” block, note the start_row and the start_columns defined. Zuar Runner always uses zero indexes for tabular data rows and columns, meaning we start counting at zero, not one. Therefore, the fourth cell from the left is "start_column": 3.

The second block, “output,” defines where the resulting data will be stored. This could define anything, including flat files, but in this case we’re outputting the Excel data into Zuar Runner’s built in PostgreSQL database in a schema named excel, and a table named pivot_example_blog_members.

In the “steps” block, we define each step of transforming the data from Excel to SQL, including the very first step SliceTransform, which limits the number of rows we want from the spreadsheet to one. Again starting at a zero index, so 1 will yield two rows.

Running this job will produce the following table:



Running a similar job for the data in red will produce this table:


SQL Jobs

Now the Excel data in the database must be transformed to get to the desired final result.

Create two more Zuar Runner jobs in order to pivot the data from horizontal to vertical. These jobs will be SQL jobs using PostgreSQL syntax. In order to pivot the data, use the LATERAL keyword, which is kind of like an SQL for-loop. For every product in the table list each member and their volume data. The SQL is as follows:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS excel.pivotted_table;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS excel.pivotted_table AS
  , t.product_slug
  , t.product_id
  , t.product
  , v.*
    excel.pivot_examples_blog_table t
                 ('penn', t.penn)
               , ('wilson', t.wilson)
               , ('dunlop', t.dunlop)
               , ('babolat', t.babolat)
               , ('prince', t.prince)
               , ('gamma', t.gamma)
        ) v (member, values)

For the member pivot, use this SQL:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS excel.pivotted_members;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS excel.pivotted_members AS
  , v.*
    excel.pivot_example_blog_members t
                 ('penn', t.penn),
                 ('wilson', t.wilson),
                 ('dunlop', t.dunlop),
                 ('babolat', t.babolat),
                 ('prince', t.prince),
                 ('gamma', t.gamma)) v (member, member_id)

The resulting tables will look like this:





One final SQL job will do a full outer join on these two tables on the member column:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS excel.joined_pivot;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS excel.joined_pivot AS
  , excel.pivotted_members.member_id
  , excel.pivotted_table.product_slug
  , excel.pivotted_table.product_id
  , excel.pivotted_table.product
  , excel.pivotted_table.values
    FULL OUTER JOIN excel.pivotted_table
                    ON excel.pivotted_members.member = excel.pivotted_table.member

Sequence all Jobs Together to Manipulate Excel Data

Finally in Zuar Runner, click the up arrow next to the “Add” button and select “Sequence.” In the order they were made, drag all the jobs one by one into the box on the left, and make sure each job has “Enabled” checked. Click on “Submit” to create the sequence and then run it.

If all went well, the resulting table should look like this:
