# IMAP - Gmail - Create Job 1. Have the credentials file that you downloaded from your Google Web Application handy. 1. Click `+ADD JOB` 1. Click the `imap` wizard icon to launch the IMAP wizard. .. image:: assets/gmail-create-job__icon.png 1. Choose `Gmail OAuth2 auth with provided credentials`. .. image:: assets/gmail-create-job__page1_a.png This will allow you to enter credentials and save them as named credentials which can be used in other Zuar Runner jobs. 1. For `IMAP SERVER URI`, enter `imap.gmail.com` 1. Provide a name that the credentials will be saved as in `PROVIDE CREDENTIALS NAME` 1. Enter the email address to use in `USER EMAIL` 1. Copy the contents of the JSON credentials file associated with your Google Web Application to the clipboard. Paste the clipboard contents into the `GMAIL CREDENTIAL JSON` field. .. image:: assets/gmail-create-job__page1_b.png 1. Click `NEXT` 1. On the next page of the wizard, click `CLICK HERE TO AUTHENTICATE`. .. image:: assets/gmail-create-job__page2.png 1. You will be prompted to login to Gmail and to allow Zuar Runner to access your email. Because the GCP app created in an earlier step [here]( /jobs/email-imap/gmail-setup-account.html#push-to-production) was pushed to production and is unverified, two warnings will be displayed. a. The first warning will be displayed. Click the `Advanced` button. .. image:: assets/gmail-create-job__page3.png b. The second warning will be displayed. Click the `unsafe` button. .. image:: assets/gmail-create-job__page4.png 1. After you have granted access, the following confirmation page will be displayed in a new browser tab: .. image:: assets/gmail-create-job__pageX.png 1. Close the browser tab containing the confirmation page and return to the tab with the Zuar Runner IMAP wizard. 1. Click `NEXT` on the bottom-right of the page. 1. You will be taken to the Job Details page for the IMAP job that was just created.