Release Notes: Mitto Version 3.4.0

Breaking Changes


Issues Resolved in this Release

New Feature





Local Git repo for Mitto conf directory

The Runner instance is enabled for local Git version control of all Job configurations. Once the Job Configuration is saved, the change will be committed to the local repository.


Mitto supervisor service

Runner Supervisor Service communicates to the Zuar licensing and build infrastructure. This Service will query licensing to download, install and deploy upgrades to Runner and Plugins in automated fashion. UI elements on the Runner > Settings page indicate when an upgrade is available, providing the Runner administrator with local upgrade control.


logging of upgrade activity or package/versions

CLI command mitto plugin list is added, which will return a JSON array of Runner Plugins installed on the instance and the version number for each.


add timestamp parameter to SetUpdatedAt

BaseStep is updated to permit setting a timestamp value in the Runner job configuration. If defined in the job configuration, this timestamp will be used for UpSert functions rather than the timestamp value from the Runner job runtime environment.






display version of mitto-docker-setup in ‘version’ section of ‘settings’ page

Specific versions Runner require specific version of mitto-docker-setup. The version of MITTO-DOCKER-SETUP is added to the Licensing information shown in UI> Settings > About > Version to assist with support issues.


full text search of configs

The Jobs page Search function is updated to support Regular Expression search of the full Job configuration text. Any text elements in the Job configurations are now searchable. Previous behavior was to limit search functionality Job Name & Title only.


view scheduled jobs

A “Schedule” page is added to the UI, showing a list view of all upcoming Runner jobs with schedule summary information and “Status” from the last occurrence of the job. This provides a quick, searchable overview of the future processes in the Runner instance.


view sequences containing job

The Job details page has an added section labeled “Parent Sequences,” displaying the Sequences that contains the Job, as well ID, Name, Tags and relevant Schedule and Status information.


job parameters / templates

The Runner Job API endpoint and Job configuration editor is updated to support optional parameters to be passed into the Job when started. This will allow users to include JSON key/value pairs in the Job configuration to be parsed at Job run time.


reduce licensing noise in job logs

License related logging messages for the Runner instance were being written to the Job logs at a frequent rate. The logging messages are not related to the Runner Job run, provided no benefit to the user and obscured meaningful Job related logging information. These extraneous log messages are now removed.


JsonInput: prepend MITTO_DATA to ‘source’ if ‘source’ is relative path

Implemented the relative path source handling between RegEx and JSON inputters, allowing JSON files to be RegEx’d for selection of source files, similar to the handling in the ExcelInput. JSON jobs will now support RegEx selections of source files.


ExcelInput: add graceful handling for missing “sheet”

In some cases, a Runner job will process an Excel file with a missing worksheet. In previous versions, this will cause the overall Job to file. This change will permit the Job to log the missing worksheet and continue with other files in the Job, providing higher success rates and visibility to the problematic source files.


Add ‘jq’ linux package to the webapp container

The jq command is added to the Runner environment for JSON querying within command Jobs.


Collect logs from all stage/dev/prod mitto instances to ElasticSearch

Logging handlers updated to support delivery of logging data into the Zuar centralized logging cluster.


Add support for vault storage backend for credentials

Runner is enabled for enhanced security storage of Named Credential storage utilizing Vault.


remove the packer directory

The packer directory, an artifact of the Runner software build process, was included in the final installation in error. This is now removed.


text input box appears de-emphasized / inactive

User Interface colors are adjusted, intended to assist the user in easily identifying active form inputs.


Add hotkeys hint modal

When pressing the ? key within the Runner UI, a pop-up screen is adding showing keyboard shortcuts. The A key open the “Add Job” page. The ESC key will toggle embed mode for the UI, hiding the left navigation menu and the top banner.


add parameter to set debug level for IMAP job

An optional debug_level parameter is added to the IMAP Job configuration to assist in troubleshooting. Valid values are integers 0 - 5.


Stop Column and Stop Row in Excel Mitto Job

The Excel inputter is updated to support the parameters stop_row and stop_column to allow reading & importing only specific cell ranges from the selected Excel worksheet.


Regex - add support for multiple tabs in a single Excel file

The Excel inputter is updated to support importing multiple Worksheets in a single Excel file by specifying the Worksheet names using RegEx. The Excel Job wizard is updated to support this through addition of a “Tab RegEx” form input. The Excel Job configurations have a parameter added for tab_regex allowing the user to define a RegEx match pattern for the WorkSheet names.


email - add regex support to attachments

Duplicate of issue MIT-1673.


add “test” button to webhook modal - sends request manually

The Runner Job detail page Outgoing Webhooks editor has a Test button added, allowing the User to send a test Webhook to assist in validation of the configuration.


Allow wildcards or regex for outgoing email attachments

Runner Email Job type is updated to support selecting multiple files for attachments through RegEx in the Job configuration in the attachments: parameter.


Add subdirectory browsing to Runner file manager

The original Mitto file manager page displayed only files (not subdirectories) within the /var/mitto/data filesystem. This feature implements a full function file management UI, providing navigation and manipulation of files and other directories.






slow UI load time after login

Initial Runner UI page load was taking ~30+ seconds to render. This has been corrected.


duplicated job log info

Job run information was duplicated within the Job log. This duplication was removed.


version info is inaccurate in cli and on settings page

Runner UI > Settings page was showing an incorrect Product version due to a backend version reporting issue.


contents of job schedule popup should be aligned

Job Schedule editor visual elements are aligned correctly.

MIT-3183 - add back support for running job using job config in any location

Previous Mitto versions supported execution of a Job configuration regardless of configuration file location via explicit paths. This functionality is now available in Runner.


Single column CSV files created on Windows throw an error in the UI

For single column CSV files, the Runner CSV wizard was failing to detect column delimiters. This was due to \r (Windows new line control character, and other carriage return characters such as \n or \r\n) being used as the delimiter for the single column. The wizard is updated to prompt for delimiter.


If jobs were running when a system is halted; reset the status of those jobs upon reboot

Running Job status from prior to a Runner instance restart was shown in the UI in error. In situations like this, the Running job state was in error; logic has been added to correct this.