Added a log_sdl parameter (default value false) to ReflectTransform. If true, the SDL present in the environment when the transform starts is logged, as is the final SDL present when the transform completes.
Update MaxTimestamp to work with naive datetime columns in SQL Server
The MaxTimestamp step was updated to include support for database columns containing ‘naive’ datetime timestamps. Previously, MaxTimestamp could only be used with timezone aware (or numeric) column types. This support is enabled by the use of tz_aware:true as a parameter to MaxTimestamp. See the documentation for more information.
SQL Server TINYINT type resolving to MySQL type in error on ReflectTransform
Corrected a bug in which the RefelectTransform mistakenly treated MS SQLServer TINYINT as MySQL TINYINT. The fix also maps both column types into the SDL Integer type. Previously, MySQL TINYINT was incorrectly mapped to the SDL Boolean type.