Connect Tableau to Zuar Runner

Tableau is a powerful data visualization software. You can take the different sets of data you have staged in Zuar Runner and use Tableau to analyze that data in a uniform way.

You will need the following information to connect Tableau to Zuar Runner:

  • Connection: PostgreSQL 9.5 (Mitto 2) PostgreSQL 13.1 (Zuar Runner / Mitto 3)

  • Host: (instance name)

  • Port: 5432

  • Name: analytics

This information is available in Zuar Runner.

First, go to Settings by clicking on Database on left-hand side of page. The information is displayed under the header Database Connectivity.

Zuar Runner database info

Now you are ready to connect Tableau to Zuar Runner.

  1. Open Tableau Desktop.

  2. Under the Connect: To a Server, select More. Click on PostgreSQL.


You are connecting to the PostgreSQL server because this is the database with which Zuar Runner is associated.

  1. Fill out the prompt with the information from above. Username and password are the ones you used to login to your Zuar Runner instance and check “Require SSL”. Click Sign In. Once you are signed in, you will see all the tables that exist in this database.

    Tableau Sign In Window
  2. Drag and drop any <schema name>.<table name> table over to the right hand side of the screen.

  3. Select Update Now

  4. Select Sheet 1 and begin building your visualization.